
Music Alley Platform

In order to promote a video, we are required to ask for the copyright owners' consent to host their content on the Music Alley platform. The Music Alley platform consists of our website, social media accounts, or any ad partner services we work with. By granting us the use of your copyrighted content, you still own 100% of your work and any future content you create. You may withdraw your consent at any time, after which we will remove your content from our platform.
Link to your video. Accepted video hosts include: YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram etc.
Would you like Music Alley platform to publish other videos you own? For example, videos on your YouTube channel or Facebook page.
Enter the URL(s) of any of your video(s) you wish to grant Music Alley platform permission to publish. One line per URL (URL = Video Link).
Where would you like us to send new potential followers? Please only include 3 links MAX.
Your musical influences, when you started playing, why you started singing etc.